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Council Members

  • 20 members and a chairperson comprise the Council.
  • The Governor appoints members.
  • The appointment of the chairperson requires the advice and consent of the Missouri Senate.
  • Members represent each of the eight U.S Congressional Districts.
  • The majority of members are people with disabilities.
  • The Governor’s Council is comprised of the following committees: Executive and Strategic Planning, Finance and Development, Personnel, Advocacy, and Programs Committees.

Ron Hack
First Appointed: 06/28/22

Steve Ahrens
Member 1
Jefferson City
First Appointed: 06/05/24

Betty Davidson
Member 5
St. Louis
First Appointed: 11/16/09

Charles Comstock II
6th Congressional District
First Appointed: 07/29/10

Wayne Crawford
Member 3
First Appointed: 03/15/21

Stacey Elster
Member 7
First Appointed: 03/15/24

Chip Hailey
7th Congressional District
First Appointed: 01/6/17

Rosemary Hendon
8th Congressional District
West Plains
First Appointed: 01/06/17

Katie Jones
Member 4
St. Peters
First Appointed: 10/27/17

Kim Lackey
Member 12
St. Louis
First Appointed: 07/9/19

Elijah Mayfield
Member 11
Jefferson City
First Appointed: 03/14/18

Susan Orton
Member 8
Creve Coeur
First Appointed: 07/19/05

Andrew Sartorius
3rd Congressional District
Jefferson City
First Appointed: 07/09/19

Jason Schott
Member 6
Ste. Genevieve
First Appointed: 06/05/24

Lesia Shelton
4th Congressional District
First Appointed: 07/09/19

Robert Wallace
Member 2
St. Louis
First Appointed: 05/10/10

If you are interested in serving as a Council member for the Governor's Council on Disability, please complete and submit the application at